Qinun Fabric Thickness Gauge has a complete assortment of the presser-foot and weights to conform to different test-methods. The textile samples shall be conditioned and the test conducted in the standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing of textiles specified in ISO 139. The test procedure is shown as below:

Clean the presser-foot and the reference plate. Check that the presser-foot shft moves freely. Load the presser-foot to exert the appropriate specified pressure on the reference plate, and set the thickness gauge to read zero. An applied pressure of (1±0.01)kPa is recommended.
Raise the presser-foot and position the sample or test specimen, without tension and distortion, on the reference plate so that no part of the area to be measured is closer than 150mm to the selvedge. Ensure that the area chosen for the test is free from crease.
Lower the presser-foot gently onto the specimen and note the gauge reading after (30±5)s.
Determine, in accordance with the procedure above, the thickness of at least five different areas on the sample or at least five test specimens.
Calculate the arithmetic mean of the measurements to an accuracy of 0.01mm. Calculate the coefficient of variation to the nearest 0.1% and the 95% confidence limits to the nearest 0.01mm.
For more information about our testing instrument, please contact
For more information about our testing instrument, please contact