

目前显示的是 四月, 2017的博文

Interpretation of the Anti - Friction and Color Fastness Test Method for Leather

Shoes with leather friction fastness method summarized into three kinds of reciprocating wool felt friction leather; reciprocating white lining cloth friction leather; fixed point rotating wool felt friction leather. Rotary wool felt friction method is with the diversification of shoe design, multi-block splicing shoes more and more, in the shoes can not get enough long sample, and to detect the end-use of shoes adaptability, Taken by. However, the results of the friction test of rotary and reciprocating wool felt are not consistent and the method to be used in the Leather Color Fastness test results.  Reciprocating wool felt rubbing the leather method to maintain the continuity of quality control, so that the raw material leather to make shoes leather using a relatively consistent test method, the results are comparable. Currently using more. Dry wipe: the use of the sample face up, into the sample folder should be stretched, not wrinkle. The specimen holder is clamped

Interpretation of Air Permeability Differential Pressure Test

Vacuum method is the most representative of the differential method of a test method. The test principle is to use the sample to separate the permeate chamber into two separate spaces. First, both sides of the sample are evacuated and then filled to one side (A high pressure side) Absolute pressure) of the test gas, while the other side (B low side) is to maintain a vacuum state, the sample on both sides of the formation of 0.1MPa test gas pressure. The gas permeation of the test gas enters the low pressure side through the film and causes a change in the pressure on the low pressure side. The amount of gas permeation (GTR) of the test gas can be calculated using the formula by measuring the amount of pressure on the low pressure side with a high precision vacuum gauge. The relevant standards are ISO 2556, ISO 15105-1, ASTM D 1434 (M method), GB 1038, JIS K 7126 (A method) and the like.  The gas permeation (GTR) provided by ISO 15105-1 is calculated as follows: Where: V C

Abrasion Resistance Test Method And Requirements

abrasion resistance is one of the important performance of denim clothing, but also the production enterprises and consumers are mainly concerned about the indicators.  Poor wear resistance of clothing, easy to wear after wearing, affecting the use of the product cycle. At present, FZ / T81006-2007 "denim clothing" standard for the detection of wear resistance is mainly used GB / T 21196.2-2007 "Textile Martindale fabric abrasion resistance of the second part: the determination of sample damage"  The principle is to cut a representative sample on the denim clothing, placed on the  Martindale wear tester , in the specified load and speed, the trajectory for the Lissajous (Lissajous) graphics plane motion and abrasive  Friction, the specimen holder can be free to rotate about the center axis perpendicular to the horizontal plane. Two or more non-adjacent yarns were completely broken, the test was terminated, and the  abrasion resistance  of the fabric was determin

Interpretation of Anti - ultraviolet Performance of Textiles

In recent years, due to the destruction of the ozone layer, reaching the surface of the radiation is increasing, excessive ultraviolet light on the human eye, skin and immune system caused some damage, so the anti-ultraviolet light of textile increasingly attention. The market has more and more anti-UV products, the performance of the pros and cons, a direct impact on the interests of consumers. When ultraviolet rays are irradiated onto the fabric, a portion is absorbed, a portion of the fibers that penetrate the fabric (including from the voids of the fabric), and a portion of which is reflected. Through the fabric of the more ultraviolet, the greater the harm caused by the human body. Therefore, the main way to improve the performance of UV protection is to enhance the fabric of ultraviolet absorption and reflection ability, thereby reducing its throughput, usually there are three ways: 1) coating on the surface of the fabric; 2) blended in the fabric into the anti-UV addit

How to perform the combustion performance test

In the production of materials burning test is inevitable, remember the recent occurrence of high-rise fire incident, because the material is very poor flame retardation led to a lot of people were killed, the flame retardant materials are some industrial products will check the project, materials The flame retardancy tester is mainly in the specified test conditions to test the burning performance of the specimen to determine the flammability of the material. The following describes the material flame retardant tester product parameters: The main application areas: Plastic, foam, film, textile, paint, rubber, automotive interior parts, electrical and electronic products. Test principle: The flame retardancy of the material refers to the ability of the material or article to undergo flame burning under specified test conditions. It covers some of the characteristics of whether it is easy to ignite, and the ability to maintain the ability to burn. After years of development,

How To Operate Geosynthetics Vertical Osmometer Specifically

What is the Geosynthetics vertical osmometer, how to operate? This article will be one by one for you to resolve   the test instrument.first:Geosynthetics vertical osmometer Applicable to all kinds of geotechnical materials vertical permeability test. main steps: 1, the sample placed in water containing humectant, soak for at least 12h until saturated and remove the bubbles, wetting agent with 0.1% V / V sodium alkyl benzene sulfide. 2, remove the high pressure warehouse, the installation of the specimen in the holder, the sample requirements: the sample should be clean, no dirt on the surface, no visible dirt or crease, shall not be folded, and should be placed in the flat, the above shall not be imposed Any load. And then install the high pressure warehouse, followed by the balance of force to tighten the high pressure warehouse nut. 3, open the water valve, into the clean water to the high pressure water tank until the water level on both sides of 50mm head diff

Color Fastness Selection Techniques

According to China's product standards and the actual use of fabric, clothing (ornaments) and home textiles products, color fastness test , generally according to the following methods: 1、 fabric class Test the color fastness to wash the fabric, generally according to its end use to choose the washing method. In the case of unknown use, according to the following methods: ① wire, viscose fiber, wool, nylon fabric, with reference to GB / T392l a 2008A (1), the test temperature is (40 ± 2) ℃. ② cotton, linen, polyester, acrylic fabric, with reference to GB / T3921-2008C (3), the test temperature is (60 ± 2) ℃. ③ new fiber, such as Lyocel fiber, Modal fiber, milk protein fiber and soybean protein fiber, should be based on fiber performance and dyeing process may be, generally use GB / T3921-2008A (1) standard, the test temperature is (40 ± 2) ℃. 2、 clothing (ornaments) class (1) knitted garments knitted casual wear, body underwear, thermal underwear, knitted skirts, infant

How To Maintain Leather Folding Test Machine

    The leather folding test machine is used to test the bending resistance of leather under continuous bending. The instrument is internationally used for a variety of light leather and its surface modification for bending performance evaluation of the instrument. At the same time can also be measured due to walking in the crease in the formation of the tendency of cracking, bending tester bending mechanism and the upper deflection tester is different, both complementary functions. It is also used to pre-treat samples prior to the determination of water vapor permeability - especially for the determination of upper materials for protective footwear. How to maintain  the leather folding test machine ?There Can be divided into nine steps as follows: 1. Before the start should be in accordance with the provisions of the lubrication and lubrication methods to lubricate; 2. by the understanding of the structure of the testing machine professional and technical personnel disass

How To improve the Anti - Pilling Performance Of The Fabric

In daily life, girls in the purchase of clothes will always ask whether the balloon problem. Outside the pilling problem more or less affect the consumer's shopping will. However, why the fabric balloon, I believe that most people do not know the reason, just think it will be the quality of the ball. Here to reveal the reason. The pilling process of the fabric is probably as follows: 1. Due to the mechanical action of the fiber stretched to the fabric surface, and the formation of hair; 2. Velvet tangled into a ball, through the fixed fiber and fabric surface connected; 3. In the friction, washing, wearing and cleaning and the process, the continuous mechanical effect of the ball off. In order to improve the fabric anti-pilling ability, mainly in the following ways 1, choose in the yarn and fabric production process is not easy to play the ball. The following are the same as the " 2, in the jet dyeing machine for pre-treatment and dyeing when adding lubricant Lubsoft to