The color fastness to gas fume tester is equipped with a Bunsen burner and rotating rack. As the testing occurs over an extended time in an unobserved environment, a number of mechanisums have been incorporated to insure the safety of the operator including gas pressure regulation, unburnt gas detectors, extinguished flame alarm, and an interlocked flame ignition system .
Gas Fume Chamber, to determine the burnt gas fume color fastness of textiles when exposed to atmospheric oxides of nitrogen derived from the combustion of gases.A specimen of the textile and the test control fabric are exposed simultaneously to oxides of nitrogen from burnt gas fumes until the control shows a change in color corresponding to that of the standard of fading. The change in color of the specimen is assessed with the standard gray scale for assessing change in color.
Textile samples and control samples are placed in the gas smoke at the same time until the color of the control sample changes to the color of the fading standard. Use grey card to assess the discoloration of sample.If the sample is not discoloured after onw test period, the number of specified test times can
be continued or to the required test cycles for samples to reach the specified color change.
Gas Fume Chamber, to determine the burnt gas fume color fastness of textiles when exposed to atmospheric oxides of nitrogen derived from the combustion of gases.A specimen of the textile and the test control fabric are exposed simultaneously to oxides of nitrogen from burnt gas fumes until the control shows a change in color corresponding to that of the standard of fading. The change in color of the specimen is assessed with the standard gray scale for assessing change in color.
Textile samples and control samples are placed in the gas smoke at the same time until the color of the control sample changes to the color of the fading standard. Use grey card to assess the discoloration of sample.If the sample is not discoloured after onw test period, the number of specified test times can
be continued or to the required test cycles for samples to reach the specified color change.
· +86-21-6780 0179
· or leave your comments below
回复删除As for me, I think colour fastness to water is also a good choice which you can try. And we need to wash our clothes often, so it can help you get another accurate result about fastness.
回复删除The tester seems nice and I would like to recommend the Launderometer to you, which can help you determine color fastness to washing: