The Rapid Grease Extraction Apparatus is developed specifically for obtaining the oil content of tops and similar materials sufficiently quickly for the results to be available at the time of processing.
The principle of extraction is percolation of a solvent through the wool sample in a simple metal tube. The extract, as it drips from the tube, is collected by a light aluminium tray held between two metal rings mounted on a temperature-controlled hot-plate.
Solid-liquid extraction is a semicontinuous process, coupling distillation with a “SOXHLET” type cartridge containing the solid product impregnated with an active principle (solute) to be extracted by dissolution in a heated solvent.The distillation column generates solvent vapours which are condensed; this pure and heat solvent feeds into the cartridge containing the inert solid and the solute.

When the cartridge is full, the solution obtained (solvent and solute) empties out automatically by siphon action (leaching), then returns to the boiler where the solvent is once more brought to the boiling point. Leaching can also be caused by the continuous feeding of solvent or by successive manual drainings.The solvent may also be fed in a single “pass” for infusion then the extract obtained is drained manually.
The principle of extraction is percolation of a solvent through the wool sample in a simple metal tube. The extract, as it drips from the tube, is collected by a light aluminium tray held between two metal rings mounted on a temperature-controlled hot-plate.
Solid-liquid extraction is a semicontinuous process, coupling distillation with a “SOXHLET” type cartridge containing the solid product impregnated with an active principle (solute) to be extracted by dissolution in a heated solvent.The distillation column generates solvent vapours which are condensed; this pure and heat solvent feeds into the cartridge containing the inert solid and the solute.

When the cartridge is full, the solution obtained (solvent and solute) empties out automatically by siphon action (leaching), then returns to the boiler where the solvent is once more brought to the boiling point. Leaching can also be caused by the continuous feeding of solvent or by successive manual drainings.The solvent may also be fed in a single “pass” for infusion then the extract obtained is drained manually.