Colorfastness to rubbing or crocking is a basic testing procedure of a garments or fabric. Crocking fastness takes the staining degree of white fabric as grading principle, 5 grades in total. The higher the value, the better the crocking fastness.After producing fabric it is badly need to take a test of crocking. Crocking is like rubbing a period of time with a minimum cycle. So here we are showing you how to do colorfastness to crocking. Colorfastness to rubbing or crocking is nothing but a combination of dry and wet rubbing test. There are basically two steps in colorfastness to rubbing or crocking. In basic procedure we generally follow the following steps: Colorfastness to rubbing or crocking in dry fabric is the first steps of rubbing test. In textile manufacturing process it is called dry rubbing test.First one object (fabric or garments) should have to select which needs to test with crocking meter. Crockmeter is a testing machine by which colorfastness...